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The Ecosystem Imperative

Building Your Investment Tech Stack for the Future


There have been significant shifts both in investment technology and how investment managers think about their technology. What was once a tactical afterthought now takes center stage as firms seek every advantage in a complex and evolving market.  

However, all this change can leave firms feeling less than confident when it comes to their investment technology. They wonder: How can I maximize my technology investment and give my firm the best shot at operational success? What is the gold standard for investment operations today? 

In this eBook, explore how investment technology has evolved and the rise of the investment ecosystem model – the gold standard of investment technology approaches today. Examine the technology supporting this standard, its benefit to firms, and how you can employ this model at your firm to better leverage your operations as a strategic advantage.  

What’s Inside  

  • What the investment ecosystem is 
  • About the rise of interoperability and the investment ecosystem model 
  • What technology enables this model 
  • The benefits of this approach for your firm  
  • Tactical examples of how you can design your investment ecosystem with technology, data, and services  
  • Open technology risks and considerations  
  • How you can begin building your investment ecosystem  

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