
EzeCast: The Electronification of Corporate Bond Trading

The fundamentals of corporate bond trading are distinctively different from other traditional asset classes like equities and options. Historically, without a centralized order book, the buy-side faced challenges just trying to find someone to trade with, never mind a price. As the industry slowly ramped up electronic trading with the introduction of RFQ, traders were able to find liquidity, accurate pricing, and faster execution. This attempt to solve a liquidity need has since led to an explosion of new platforms and protocols.

SS&C Eze’s Adam De Rose and Dan Williams sit down with Justine Robertson and Jason Quinn from Trumid, an electronic fixed-income trading platform, to discuss the evolution of corporate bond trading, how liquidity solutions have over-complicated workflows for trading desks, and how technology is evolving to unwind these complexities.

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Wednesday, 31 May

Wednesday, 31 May

Thursday, 1 June